Sunday, March 2, 2014

This is the end...

So, after these last few weeks, this is the last blog, for now. I will very much like to say that while at first I was a little intimidated at the thought of writing a blog every night, I was actually surprised at how many I was actually able to write. Granted, I did miss a few nights, all in all, while I may not have fulled the amount of blogs required, I was happy with myself for the amount that I was able to do.

At times it was very therapeutic. Being able to right down some frustrations of mine and it allowed me to put some thoughts onto paper.  However, I didn't feel that it was any more beneficial to me to write my thoughts down, then it would be to talk to someone about it, such as my wife. But, I do see the benefit because whether or not it is talking to someone, this blog does open up communication to other people, whether I know them or not, and, is that not the point?

The blog has definitely challenged me to write down and organize my thoughts in a more logical manner. It allowed me to put various view points of my own down on to paper, read my thoughts and change what I thought based upon what I wrote as sometimes, what I said, made no sense, even to me.

It was difficult at times to find something to write about though. I am a very simple minded kind of guy and takes a little time to get me invested into certain ideas and to develop an opinion about something. This was definitely one of my hardships with this assignment. Finding time every night for 3 weeks to write about things and to not be repetitive is quite the challenge. But, if I was able to come up with one good bit of writing, would all this be worth it? If I found out one small thing about myself that I hadn't already seen, would this have all been worth it? The answer is most certainly Yes.

I have learnt that no matter how intimidating something can be, if you just do it, you'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

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