Friday, January 24, 2014

Jung Typology Reflection

So, In my Composition I class, we were instructed to take the Jung Typology test as a tool to learn what our strengths as a personalty were. I have taken this test a few times in the past and it seems almost every time I take it, things change slightly, and I assume that it's because as we get older, our personalities change and therefore, so will the results of the test.

So the test noted me as an 'ESTJ' which, here is a link to the page that elaborates on what it all means That aside, here is a link to the specifics of this test that I currently took . As you can see from the results, I seem to sit on the fence about a few things.

As for how the results of this is really going to affect me as a writer? According to the description of what an ESTJ is, I thrive on order and continuity, which, I would think is a great characteristic of a write. Things need to make sense to me in a chronological way. Things need to flow together in certain steps and things being out of order can really bother me. I really also fully agree with the section that states "ESTJ promote the work ethic. Power, position and prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness is rarely viewed ambivalence nor benevolence." There is nothing that I dislike more than laziness and people who get to where they are by who they know, not what they know. My work ethic is who I am and I never give anything more then my best. This aspect of my personality really helps me thrive to succeed and I believe is a really important trait as a writer. Who is going to read something that was written by someone who was too lazy to put in the effort?

I was also very interested to read that it says that I am an "outspoken person, a person of principles, which are readily expressed". One thing that I wouldn't consider myself as would be outspoken. I will openly admit that I have my principles and I stick to them regardless of other's perceptions but I wouldn't really say I was outspoken about those principles. If someone asks, I tell them, but I don't constantly remind others of them. Perhaps though, I may not be aware that I am outspoken? I will have to delve a little further into this and really self reflect. However, as writer, being outspoken would almost be a necessity. Being able to openly write down what your thoughts, feelings and emotions are... you would have to be very sure of your position to put it out there for everyone to read. If I really do have this attribute, perhaps that will help me in being a writer.

There is a lot that I can learn about my strengths and weaknesses from this test. It is going to really help me figure out the type of person that I want to be.

To all those reading this.


My name is Matthew Smith, but usually go by Matt. This is my first ever blog which is kind of interesting, being in the technological world that we are now apart of. I never really understood the concept of a blog, but really, isn't that what social media is? One big, giant blog. While it's not in the same format as this one, Facebook, MySpace (R.I.P) and Twitter pages are all a representation of one's self. Is that not what a blog is? The only difference is that on a blog, you represent yourself by words, instead of visual aids (while I'm sure you can do that as well too a blog, from my understanding, the words mean more than the visual).

So while you probably already know the above information that I have provided, just thought that I would give my own 'two cents' on what a blog is. After all, the reason you are reading this is because you wish to know my opinions and thoughts, right?

And so this new adventure of self discovery begins. I am excited to see what new things I can learn about myself.

Until next time,
